I finally have a temporary space to work in and have once again begun doing my meditation paintings. My artwork has taken a new direction. It is reflected in these paintings. I am using paper I shredded over the past year of my income taxes, receipts, printed computer art etc. that I needed to destroy while getting rid of clutter and old papers in my apartment. Larger works are solely composed of shredded paper but in these smaller exercises I am trying to incorporate paint with the shredded paper. I am enjoying the freedom and direction my work is taking. Experimentation is a good thing and necessary for the creative process to unfold and not become stale.
Every minute of everyday we are the editors of lives. Among the clutter of our lives we pick and choose what we like. What we want to listen too. What we want to read, watch, buy, etc. etc. So too it is true with the creative process. Everything is about making choices. I am using the upcycled material that was clutter to now become something of value or I hope you will see the value in them. As we edit we create. We can create something meaningful or something destructive. It is up to each of us to create our direction. And, this is the direction I am presently pursuing.
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